
Logo of Wheaton College (IL) showing historic tower on Blanchard Hall and the motto "For Christ and His Kingdom"

University of Connecticut logo - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)

University of Connecticut – Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Ph.D. in History, U.S./European fields, conferred December 2005

Dissertation Title: The Burning of HMS Gaspee and the Limits of Eighteenth-Century British Imperial Power

Advisor: Dr. Richard D. Brown, Harvard University, 1966

University of Connecticut – Storrs, Connecticut, United States

M.A. in History, conferred August 1993

Graduate Seminars, Summer 1993

Instructor Training Program, Summer 1989

Wheaton College Graduate School – Wheaton, Illinois

M.A. in Educational Ministries, conferred May 1987

Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois

B.A. in Social Science, conferred May 1985

Denison University – Granville, OH

September 1981 – May 1983 full-time undergraduate studies