Wheaton College
University of Connecticut
Teaching Excellence Award, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, January, 2017
Facilitator of the Year, UConnConnects, August, 2013.
Director’s Award for Exceptional Contribution to the UConn Avery Point Campus, May, 2013.
Universitas21 travel grant September 2012
Digital Humanities Conference, Lund, Sweden
Humanities Institute Grant – Faculty Study Group in Digital Humanities
Provost’s Online Initiative Grant – teaching Maritime Studies 1200 Introduction to Maritime Culture fully online
Six-month educational leave granted by the Provost, University of Connecticut 1/05-7/05
Academic and Scholarly Technology Team at Wheaton College in 2019 - posing for photograph in Chatlos studio in front of Wheaton College seal
Graduate Assistantships
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 8/95-8/97
Graduate Assistant – Editorial Assistant
Prepared, edited, and proofed manuscripts for publication in the Oral History Review
Coordinated the referee and reviewing process of articles for the editor
Compiled a computer data-base of survey results received from 183 members of the Oral History Association
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 1/95-5/95
Graduate Assistant – Teaching Assistant
Prepared review sessions for class examinations
Assisted students during weekly office hours
Evaluated student progress by grading examinations and papers