Current Project
Africans, Americans, and slowing the slave trade at sea
How British and American Evangelicals and Africans used diplomacy, persuasion, and changes in maritime technology to slow a centuries- old traffic in human cargo, 1807 - 1861.
Keywords: Atlantic World, Kroomen, human trafficking, West African Squadron
Research questions:
In what ways were Americans defending the slave trade in the War of 1812? What role did "freedom of the seas" play --- in not boarding, visiting, or inspecting vessels? Does it have similar problems that Woody Holton is finding with the War for Independence? Or Texans Independence?
In what ways did the attempts to stop the slave trade in East Africa lead to colonization by the 2nd British Empire?
What role did Africans (in addition to the Kroomen) play in stopping the deep-water trade? Or riverine trade?
More needed on the American role --- or lack thereof...
Compare and contrast anti-coercionists, diplomacy, free-trade advocates, technology proponents (increased use of steam), equipment clause, etc...
use of naval force
diplomacy and treaties (those who sign a suppression treaty may be quickly replaced)
annex the main slave-exporting areas of Africa
wait for market forces to favor legitimate trade
Arguments that the slave trade was actually increasing, and enslaved people were in greater danger when the Squadron appeared.
image of USS Constellation: Google images
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